- Please wear a mask when entering the office and practice social distancing.
- COVID 19 exposure and health screening and temperature checks are performed at the door for every person (staff and patients) daily.
- Any possible exposure or symptoms will require appointment rescheduling.
- Sneeze guards, partitions, and social distancing measures have been implemented.
- HEPA air purifiers are deployed across the office to further remove airborne particles.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers are installed throughout our facilities.
- Staff will wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow CDC universal precautions.
- Adequate supply of PPE is sourced from ADA and CDC approved vendors to protect our dedicated team of doctors and staff, as well as our patients.
- Covid-19 exposure and health screening on the phone prior to your visit.
- Please reschedule if someone from your household has been sick within 14 days.
- Please be patient as we try to accommodate everyone.
- If you require a companion, please alert us ahead of your appointment. This will allow us to provide adequate socially distant space in our waiting area.
- We request that you attend your appointment alone. For those who require a companion, we can accommodate one additional person.
- Review of Covid-19 exposure and health screen in person.
- Forehead temperatures will be taken for every patient and each patient companion.
- Use hand sanitizer or use the restroom and wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds BEFORE entering treatment areas.
- Patients will be provided with an antibacterial/microbial rinse prior to all treatments.
- Patients will be provided with protective eyewear to wear during all treatments.
- Patients will be asked to leave the treatment room wearing their mask.
- Patients will be escorted to the front desk by the dental assistant for checkout. Please be patient while we ensure a socially distanced space by checking out patients one at a time.
- Patients may consider making payments over the phone (provide credit card information in advance of treatment) or pre-writing checks at home to facilitate a quick check-out and avoid crowding at the front desk.