What are dental bridges?

 If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge can fill the gap with one or more artificial (false) teeth. A bridge is made of crowns on either side of the missing tooth or teeth supporting the pontic (false tooth) and cemented in place.

 Who needs a dental bridge?

 Dental bridges can help if you have a missing tooth or teeth. The most common causes of missing teeth are tooth decay, gum disease and injury. Or you may have been born with missing teeth due to a congenital condition. To get a dental bridge, you need healthy teeth on either side of the missing ones.

 Why do I need a dental bridge?

 Your teeth work together. If a tooth is missing, nearby teeth can move into space. The teeth in your opposite jaw can also move up or down toward the space. That can cause:

  •    Bite problems.
  •    Chewing difficulties.
  •    Pain from the extra stress on your teeth and jaw.
  •    Self-consciousness about the way you look or your smile.

 What does a dental bridge look like?

 A typical dental bridge has:

Abutment teeth: A dental professional places two crowns on the teeth on either side of the gap. These anchoring teeth, or supporting teeth, can be your natural teeth or dental implants.

Pontics: This false tooth (or teeth) fills in the gap and attaches to the crowns.

 What types of dental bridges are available?

 The different types of bridges are:

 Traditional fixed bridge: This bridge is the most common. It has two or more crowns and a filler tooth or teeth that are all connected. The crowns keep the bridge in place. Traditional bridges are made of metal, porcelain fused to metal or ceramics. 

Cantilever bridge: In this bridge type, the pontic connects to only one abutment tooth. That can sometimes be an option for people who have teeth on only one side of the gap.

Resin-bonded bridge: You may have this type of bridge if you have missing front teeth. It’s made of porcelain fused to metal or ceramic teeth, supported by a framework. There are Wings on each side of the bridge bond to your existing teeth.

Implant-supported bridge: This bridge is similar to a “traditional fixed bridge,” but instead of being cemented in place to teeth, it is held in place by implants.